Newsflash: Geeks now good at usability, everyone else crap

We really struggled. We felt guilt. Wracked with pain. It’s the mid 1990s, and computers are impossibly hard to use. Anyone who could program them, and who also cared about people, was ashamed. So we fixed it. Books were published, websites launched, a new profession was born. It took a while but many of the key insights from that furore benefit […]

Astonishments, ten, in the history of version control

“If you really want to … truly ancient history, you have to go back to delta decks on punch cards.” (Jim Rootham) In a world where biographies of cod are not just accepted, but rightly popular, it wouldn’t seem entirely crazy to write a history book on how computer programmers store the vital product of their […]

Why I just joined the Green party

I’m pretty sure lots of people are going to ask me why I just joined the Green party, so here’s the reasons. I’ve moved to an area of Liverpool where green is strong – two Green councillors live nearby, there’s a very local organic box delivery, and the main indy co-op food shop has just […]